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Baro Jobs is a website for jobs in Ethiopia with the head office in Addis Ababa

Baro Jobs viewed via has been in operation for nearly three years one of which is very effective. We created a Facebook page for it in the second year of its operation.

Upon creation, we have had some like as few as 15 a week. We thank those who entrusted us helping us in the promotion of our service, which at this stage is offered for free. We have been advertising job offers for companies and businesses who look for employee.

Our Vision for Baro Jobs

That is our vision because we want online advertisement the basis of advertisement because it is cheap or free in some forms. However, that can sometime be hard to achieve if there is no enough exposure on the product. Not a lot of people knows about this great website ever built in Ethiopia for job ads.

To make more popular, we invested on Facebook and asked Facebook to campaign for us. That has been significant. We get around 200 new likes a week. Over the past few weeks, the number of likes has been exponential.

We are very grateful for that and we do still need your help. We want you to share every post we put online because the more you do that for us, the popularity Baro Jobs website will become. We urge you to ask your friends to share our Facebook Posts as well from you when you shared them.

At this stage, let us be technology equip. We are educated enough to be putting out job posts and vacancies on trees and news board.

That is what Abyss Employment is all about trying to make it for everyone to be able to look for jobs on their smartphone, desktop or laptop.

Baro Jobs viewed via  is offering the Ethiopian Public the benefit of technology especially when it comes to an online recruitment. As part of a broader job search strategy, online recruitment can make looking for a job easier than ever before.

To most extent in the past and some extent at this moment, jobseekers have been crowding on notice boards, dead woods and live trees in most parts of Ethiopia. Employers as well as job seekers have been relying on those objects.

But with many job websites in the country and Baro Jobs included, the technology and the internet are starting to explode in popularity. This has mostly been due to convenient of online recruitment like never before.

Many Job seekers visit Baro Jobs Daily.

Many job seekers love using online recruitment sites and have been ringing because they are so easy to search and find open job positions. There are a wide range of such sites available on the internet, so finding one that is appropriate to your needs is not too difficult. When used as part of an overall job search strategy, online recruitment sites can be very helpful and time-saving. This is what Abyss Employment intends to do.

Baro Jobs intends to serve the Ethiopian public in online advertisement for jobs. That is why we have recently completed the employer, jobseeker profile. As of now, employee and jobseekers can interreact on their respective dashboards without going to their emails. Abyss Employment therefore urges you to create an account in the website so that you would be able to past adverts if you are an employer or employee

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Finding the right job candidates is becoming more and more difficult. Recruiter and other HR professionals that don't use innovative recruiting strategies are often unable to find the right candidates for open positions. With all the changes and advances in HR technologies, there are many new solutions for some of the biggest recruiting challenges, and many are now implementing these new solutions to improve their hiring strategies.

According to Recruitment strategies report 2017 done by GetApp, the biggest recruiting challenge in 2017 was the shortage of skilled candidates.

 To find the right job candidates, recruiters have to have a well-planned and developed recruiting and hiring strategies. When putting together a strategy like this, it is important to understand that the process of Talent Acquisition never stops.

This process has changed significantly since few years ago when it was enough to post a job on job boards and wait for candidates to apply. Today, it is more about building a strong Employer Branding strategy to attract high quality applicants for hard-to-fill roles.

Steps to find the right job candidates

  1. Know your ideal candidate

If you don't know who your ideal candidate or candidate persona is, you will not be able to find and attract them. Knowing these people's characteristics, motivation, skills and preferences is extremely important for finding candidates that are a good fit for your company.

Defining a candidate persona is a multiple step process and involves planning, but it will make finding talent easier, faster and more efficient.

  1. Engage your current employees

 Use your current employees to understand why do they love working with you. This is a great way to learn about things that attract them. Use these facts to attract others. Your employees are your best ambassadors, and people trust people more than brands, CEOs and other C-level executives.

Involving your current employees can not only help you build a strong Employer Branding strategy, but it can also help your employees feel more engaged and important.

  1. Write clear job descriptions

Writing a clear and detailed job description is important for finding and attracting candidates with a good fit. Don’t only list duties, responsibilities and requirements, but talk about your company’s culture and Employee Value Proposition.

  1. Use a Recruitment Marketing tool

 Finding the right job candidate is hard without the right tools. Solutions offered by recruitment marketing software are various, and with them you can build innovative recruiting strategies such as Inbound Recruiting and Candidate Relationship Management to improve Candidate Experience and encourage Candidate Engagement.

Sending useful, timely and relevant information to the candidates from your talent pool is a great way for strengthening your Employer Brand and communicating your Employee Value Proposition.

  1. Optimize your career site

Career site optimization is one of the first things you should do to make finding the right job candidates easier. Candidates that come to your career site are already showing interest in you, so don't let them leave before applying. You can start by adding employee testimonials, fun videos, introduce your team, and write about cool project that your company is working on.

  1. Use a recruiting software with a powerful sourcing tool

 Today, there are powerful sourcing tools that find and extract candidates profiles and add them directly to your talent pool. Manual search takes a lot of time and effort, and is often very inefficient. With a powerful sourcing tool, you can make this process much faster and more productive. These tools help you find candidates that match both the position and company culture.

  1. Use an Applicant Tracking System

 Solutions offered by applicant tracking systems are various, but their main purpose is to fasten and streamline the selections and hiring processes. By fastening the selection process, you can significantly improve Candidate Experience and increase your application and hire rate for hard-to-fill roles. Did you know that top talent stays available on the market for only 10 days?

  1. Implement and use employee referral programs

 Referrals are proven to be best employees! Referrals can improve your time, cost and quality of hire, and make your hiring strategy much more productive. Yet, many companies still don't have developed strategies for employee referrals. This is another great way to use your current employee to help you find the best people.  According to the same GetApp's survey, employee referrals take shortest to hire, and bring the highest quality job applicants.

  Source: Source Kristina Martic:2017. How to Find the Right Candidate For the Job